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Registration date : 2010-07-17

AJ13 SHOES Empty
PostSubject: AJ13 SHOES   AJ13 SHOES EmptyThu 02 Sep 2010, 12:08 pm

After the first use of cheap jordan shoes, AJ13 in the application of improved technology ZOOM, ZOOM all the palm-AIR at the end with a large surface of the carbon fiber.
Provide good support and stability, leather and nylon upper fabric form. Weight while providing better resilience. Line design, leopard spots like shoe model, the creation of a new generation of Coach handbags.
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In the design of color,air jordan shoes made the big toe and the top of the color scheme of gray.
MBT SPORT introduction of the highly popular, he proposed a system design based on a black, highlighted in sports shoes, the colors strong sense of texture.
Outside buy jordan shoes mainly black, some white and red dots. "Is to highlight the spirit of the strong and heavy, to raise public awareness and tolerance. " It's writeen by shen206 on 9.2.
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