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 Text chapter 13 chaotian sites

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Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2011-03-18

Text chapter 13 chaotian sites Empty
PostSubject: Text chapter 13 chaotian sites   Text chapter 13 chaotian sites EmptyTue 24 May 2011, 6:31 pm

And surprisingly it have a very rules frontal the round hole, can have the fingers, like being degree of tool, hole drilled around very smooth.
"Looks like here filled with unknown and variable, although this is KuGu many years ago, is left, but we are still caution is wonderful."
Unfamiliar environment, uncertain of various factors, Adidas Water Grip let people are very cool.
"The front what are those?"
Hazy sky, moon and not only ambiguously see how bright, ahead of a rolling LuanShiDui tracing, like pieces together, rugged, jagged.
When I walked up to the crowd, everyone was shocked, this is actually, ruins, and stand in the front but is small, more vast ruins horizontal run-through into the distance.
The rubble, a smoldering rubble, like in recounting a closed events of the past. Night next month, here, the past here appears better claim should be a continuous patchy palace, but for the moment is magnificent the bleak picture.
This is a huge ruins, nike gladiator covering is very wide, the solid foundation are all built by boulders into, you could imagine that this piece of the palace magnificent and steam.
And those in the ruins light at the end of a broken wall, in the back of it.
"We... really on Mars? Here had a grand palace group of?"
"Such a great project of the human to complete exactly how much?"
"What made here into ruins, tall buildings collapsed magnificent all?"
They almost forgotten his fear, at present the immense ruins let everyone amazing, if this moment is really on Mars, it all really unbelievable.
YeFan quiet say: "in fact also nothing important, today we have a lot of experience it is to sense should not happen, right now, even if is someone told me eyes this piece of vast ruins is a paradise site, I won't be surprised."
PangBo sighs: "...... this really have chaotian sites may, after all we are seen dead even dragon."
Hear these words, supras tk everyone could chaotian YiZheng, perhaps is not, this site MiuShui!
Light was ahead, since then the broken wall behind the bulky, let there quietly appeared a circle, say a faint halo of hazy and holy.
"What the hell was that?"
Light source in ancient ruins end circulation, make the smoldering rubble is becoming more and more QiQi desolate, natural let a person feel matchless mysterious.
"Cha", "Cha", "Cha"...
They feel that it was a sound waves rubble in the empty sky spread very far, pass by the palace collapsed Bridges, nike sandals finally take through the immense ruins. Just in the front, the way though damaged broken wall, but also a full part four or five meters high, I don't know how that the grand.
"But look at what exactly is the source of light!"
A group of people careful around the way huge broken walls, came to the end, suddenly feel ruins a strands of perfect letting a person the breath of cable car glides, seemingly blew on a persuasive across all of vanity, into view.
They have completely out of the ruins, the broken wall appear in the rear, true see light. Ahead
Just ahead, a fifty meters distant in there, quietly temple is located QingDeng ancient Buddha, a little light such as beans.
Temple, a plant trees before these ciassic such as QiuLong bodhi, connect body to sere, only two metres from WuLiuPian greenery dotted with sporadic, glittering and translucent get rid of every pieces are bright green jade, jade, like god.
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