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 Jordan's Charm

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Number of posts : 124
Registration date : 2010-07-17

Jordan's  Charm Empty
PostSubject: Jordan's Charm   Jordan's  Charm EmptyThu 12 Aug 2010, 10:37 am

air jordan shoes in 1984, young Michael Jordan joined the NBA, he is considered a rising star with great future. At that time, another giant Nike is facing a crisis in 1983, more short of a mark in the world after Adi, sales of Nike fell sharply in 1984, they need to do something to restore the momentum of this.
buy jordan shoes, so they chose the young Michael Jordan, at that time, the media has published a shocking news: Nike will pay 1.25 million to buy an NBA rookie in five years. The right shoe. Nike has chosen to "air" Jordan shoe series called night from representative of Jordan said.
cheap jordan shoes is one of the charms of the history, that is that when you look back to see it at the right time, you will find some of the events came to be recorded in the history, origin is a misunderstanding. When Nike designed the first generation of Jordan shoes, Jordan either himself or his teammates, and the all the Union can not accept such a view. At the same time in a black and white or red, at the time was regarded as a grandiose project.
jordan 23 was the color of the special restrictions, NBA do not allow a pair of shoes at the same time many bright colors and fancy, if the Union has asked Jordan to play each game should have to pay a fine game, this time, a very generous Nike has released the money.It's writeen by shen206 on 08.12.
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