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Number of posts : 124
Registration date : 2010-07-17

AIR JORDAN II  Retro Empty
PostSubject: AIR JORDAN II Retro   AIR JORDAN II  Retro EmptySat 14 Aug 2010, 10:29 am

air jordan shoes are a symbol of Jordan, series 2, the model name the most valuable, that he designed from the bruce kilgore, in Italy, elegant, go beyond the traditional concept of air jordan shoes, keep the wings of two signs trapeze.
buy jordan shoes,it is not a Jordan series, the only black style, would designed black Jordan 2 generations, and produce a type of footwear, but ultimately does not produce.
cheap jordan shoes wore the shoe won in 1987 from 0.85 to 86 Slam Dunk Champion played at competitions around the ankle injury and missed 64 games behind.
jordan 23, in March 1986 back injury. 1985-86 season was Jordan collected a career best season incomplete, Jordan 2, unemployed because of this reason is toparticular importance given the precious ears up, the next game skills 1986-87 but continued to wear the Jordan 2 generations per year, he won the dunk contest.It's writeen by shen206 on 08.14.
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