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 AIR Jordan F15

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Number of posts : 124
Registration date : 2010-07-17

AIR Jordan F15 Empty
PostSubject: AIR Jordan F15   AIR Jordan F15 EmptySat 04 Sep 2010, 11:11 am

air jordan shoes 15 of the air for the account of the reality of things continuesbe modeled and inspired this "model" is the name of "F15 "supersonic fighter.
Saw his first impression is that the usual practice of the language. There is an opening to the front, reminiscent to buy jordan shoes that will never be put in the mouth is not long tongue. The language is used in shoe covers seamless integration of design.
Inside the cheap jordan shoes is very smooth, very comfortable to wear. The creation of the first use of rattan as raw materials higher.
The display unique production process, and in the heel of the shoe, can obviously see that the jordan 23 itself has been extended to the end of a row of numbers. Heels and therefore 23,6,15, soles is a sign of a trapezoid and 2.17 words. (Anniversary of Jordan) It's writeen by shen206 on 9.4.
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AIR Jordan F15
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